[geeks] Re: Spam filter test results

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Fri Jan 31 22:02:34 CST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-bounces at sunhelp.org 
> > Good point. Theres also the point that a lot of my posts do 
> generate a
> > lot of interest and discussion, often going off on some 
> weird tangent.
>    You seem to be assuming that this is a good thing.  I'm 
> very close to 
> unsubscribing from this list because of the absurd amount of traffic 
> it's been generating over the past couple of weeks.
>           -Dave

Yeah, but it has only been over the last couple of weeks and it will die
down again. 

Just for myself, I go for months at a time without posting then I have a
big burst, and slow down again after a few weeks. 

Chris Byrne

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