[geeks] Discretion

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 8 21:03:44 CDT 2003

--- "Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 8 Jul 2003 nick at snowman.net wrote:
> > Wow.  That's remarkably lacking in ethics.  Do all buisnessmen
> > think this way?
> If a competitor is willing to pay me more than my current employer, I
> have no qualms about leaving my job.  I'm not here for my health. 
> I'm here to work.
> I don't think it's unethical.  It's just playing the game hardcore.
> That's what competition is all about.

No, it is unethical to get close to a competitor (under pretnese of a
merger) for the purpose of stealing their key employees. I think you
were responding as the (potentially) snipped key employee - no harm for
him, since he didn't persue/initiate the offer, but to enter into
agreements to find a way to tear a company apart is bad ethics.

If it is good business is a different matter.

I look at it like I look at the idea of stealing another mans wife -
how do I know she will stay with me, she already left her first
husband? (PLEASE, I'm not speaking to anyone's personal situation, it
is an EXAMPLE)


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