[geeks] Adding PS2 ports?

Matthew Braun mjbraun at enteract.com
Sun Jul 13 11:03:26 CDT 2003

It's a pretty funky MB, actually. It's a custom design made by Smart 
Modular Technologies (I posted about this thing a while back on Rescue 

I can't see any obvious solder points, and I no longer have a digital 
camera (or else I'd post a pic).

On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 07:15 AM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> --- Matthew Braun <mjbraun at rcn.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I've got a machine that I need to access the bios on, but I
>> can't because I have no way to plug in a keyboard and I was
>> wondering if there's any simple way to do this short of
>> spending $400 for a PC-Weasel.
> Dumb question - are there areas on the motherboard where you could
> solder in PS/2 connectors? I wonder if the MB simply doesn't have the
> jacks installed - it may simply be an OEM version of a standard MB,
> with unneeded parts omitted...
> Just a thought,
> =====
> Lionel
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