[geeks] NeXT monitor cables

william pointon wpointon at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 13 19:54:00 CDT 2003

hey gang - i hope exeryones doing well -- im in need of some next stuff 
to get a couple systems running -

1 - a video/sound y cable to connect a color nextstation to a soundbox 
and a color monitor

2 - the 3-bnc adaptor that goes on the monitor end of the y cable if 
youre not using a next monitor

3 - a mono video cable to connect a mono nextstation to a mono monitor

4 - also i need 2 next keyboards (non adb)

5 - ??? - i would really like to find a copy of openstep 4,2 mach or 
nextstep 3.3

------- thanks a bunch and please reply off list --- billp

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