[geeks] FW: [rescue] UPS Recommendation

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Jul 17 14:07:05 CDT 2003

On Thursday 17 July 2003 19:35, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Maybe it's just me, but I see several, big, glaring, cruise-ship-sized hole
> in this theory.  You hit on most of it with "Which doesn't mean the whole
> system collapses if certain individuals don't follow the norm anymore."
>  The fact is, lots of humans resist the norm - at any price.

Any theory, philosofical or sociological, will have holes in it. Especially
when I try to put them in words ;-)

> I won't get into the guns vs. no guns debate as I believe it's pointless.
> Two sides of an issue convinced that they're "right" (or left, as the case
> may be ;) and nothing can convince either side to even take a rational look
> at the opposition's argument.

I would deny that last statement, but I think you're right, the fight isn't
over yet. As long as it isn't fought with guns, that's still OK :-)

> I will say that I personally have saved my own hide (and possibly others)
> once by owning (and knowing how/when to use) a gun.  For that reason, I'll
> always own one.

Sounds creepy.

The same logic can be easily converted though - I don't think it takes a
genius to see that less strict gun laws will risk a higher rate of murders
(if you get my meaning). And yes, I know the phrase "if all guns are
outlawed, only the outlaw will have guns" but I don't think it's true. Having
easy access to firearms for normal people is, I think, very dangerous.

Personally, I just HATE these things. I don't think I could even touch one
unless forced.

> That and shooting guns is fun....

Paint ball must be more fun! :-)

Frank Van Damme    http://www.openstandaarden.be
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"Je pense, donc je suis breveti."

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