[geeks] FW: [rescue] UPS Recommendation

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Tue Jul 22 20:13:05 CDT 2003


On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 10:36  AM, Francisco Javier Mesa-Martinez 

> A gun is designed to kill people, that is its only purpose
> of being, from the drawing board til its roll out of the machining 
> room,
> to the QA tests, the main modus operandi of a gun is to: Kill.

Well, here you're both right, and wrong. Guns are in fact designed to 
kill, but not necessarily to kill people. In fact, many guns are used 
to kill animals so the hunters can eat. I happen to know for a fact 
that there are people that hunt deer specifically so they'll have the 
meat to eat. Personally I don't care for the taste of deer, so I 
stopped hunting. If I had stayed in WV I probably would have gone 
hunting, so that family of my then girlfriend could have some extra 

As for handguns, they're designed primarily for 2 purposes, self 
defense, or target shooting. Rifles & shotguns are considered offensive 
weapons, where handguns are defensive weapons.

Do you feel that you have a right to protect yourself & your family? 
 From your past messages I assume you have some military experience, so 
you must be qualified to safely use a handgun, so if you were to carry 
one, should I feel unsafe? I'm a certified NRA instructor, so if I 
carry a gun, should you feel unsafe?

I don't know of any states that currently issue handgun licenses at 
don't have some requirement for training, just like there are no states 
that give away drivers licenses without proper training. The are lots 
of people out there that are driving vehicles without licenses, and 
many of the cause injury causing accidents, so does that mean we should 
take away the right to drive from licensed drivers?

- -Mike
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