[geeks] Psychotropics aka anti-depressants, etc

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Wed Jul 23 12:47:48 CDT 2003

N.Miller wrote:

> The other thing that a lot of folks don't know is that the federal
> government gives subsidies to schools for kids identified as "at
> risk"...do you think that a kid id'd as ADD/ADHD is "at risk"? :-/

Actually Nadine, your post was full of facts, but was wrong. SSRI's
fill a particular need. They correct a hormonal imbalance. If you
have it, they help you immensly, if not they are a total waste.

As for ritalin, in small doses it helps children who have ADD/AHD and
adults too. And yes they are at risk. They are at risk of failing in
school, they are at risk of becoming permanent mental patients or
welfare recipients, risk of being hit by cars, and in the 'hood, they
are at risk of being caught in the crossfire they never notice is about
to happen.

My son Danny is now 5 years old. At age 4 he was in diapers, barely
talked in anything but "eh", could not focus at school, draw a picture
or cross the street on his own. He was put on ritalin last fall and
closely monitored. He is now toilet trained, speaks in whole sentences
in two languages, and can draw meaningful pictures. If he goes off the
ritalin, these properties mostly fade away, but the toilet traning has
stuck 99% (we hope). In April, late on a Friday afternoon (Friday is a
half day at school and he only got his morning dose of ritalin) he ran
out into the street and was hit by a car. Thank G-D his injuries were
minor, though he spent 4 days in a hospital.

My older son Paul is also on SSRI's and ritalin. Before he was on them
he flunked out of high school. :-(

Both his mother and I are on SSRI's and ritalin (gee, who would of thought
that these problems were genetic) and my middle son has been diagnosed
with Aspberger's (PDD).

You should research more carefully and think before you post. That cute
little emoticon at the end of your message, is really upseting. There
was no reason to insult us.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com 972-54-608-069
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