[geeks] SUN SHARES = butt wipes

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Wed Jul 23 17:15:35 CDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 23, 2003, at 05:11 PM, Kevin wrote:

> ---snip
>  Sun Microsystems shares took a serious hit in the early hours of 
> Wednesday
> trading, opening the door for Merirll Lynch's top server analyst to wax
> eloquent on Sun's demise.
> --snip

SUN IS DYING!  Netcraft confirms it!  SUN IS DYING!

Seriously, they may be in financial trouble but they're pretty big 
still.  I think you're doing the "Mac is dying because they only have 2% 
of the market." thing.

Just my $.02 worth.

Mike Hebel
Medieval Combat anyone? http://www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=694655

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