[geeks] SGI & linux

Rob Fielding rob at dsvr.net
Tue Jul 29 08:51:13 CDT 2003

> Actually, you can run Linux w/XFree on an Indy

I think we know that. And those who've tried it can testify that it's not 
exactly on a par with IRIX. To wit unaccelerated 24bit 1280x1024 might to some 
be regarded as 'running' however it's not really a serious SGI-quality 
offering, is it?

I very much doubt any reasonable support for Indy, I2 Elan, O2 CRM, Mardigras, 
IR or VPro will surface in XFree86 any time within the next 10 years. For one, 
someone told me that 'back the days of Indy' if someone wanted to know 
something about GFX internals at SGI, they spoke to the bloke who made it. 
Since hardly any of the original SGI engineers still works there, it's hardly 
likely someone's going to be around to answer those questions.

OTH I would love to have an Indy running Linux/XFree et al supporting my Indy 
  was well as IRIX does on it now. Then I can use it as my vtund server 
instead of my PC. OTH I would perfer to see a TUN/TAP device in IRIX so vtund 
would compiler natively instead. A GNU/IRIX environment is something I covet.


Rob Fielding	
rob at dsvr.net	Development	www.dsvr.co.uk

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