[geeks] For MS OS-based x86-afflicted Geeks...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 21:14:17 CDT 2003

For those afflicted with x86 based systems running a recent MS OS...

Below are links to two web pages about MS Agent software... This is the
"technology" that powers the paperclip in MS Office...

The first page is the MS resource page, with links, etc. The second is
for a script "generator" - you create scripts that are saved as "htm"
documents that cause the agent to appear on your desktop, say, move,
gesture, etc.

To say the least, humor is a strong motivator for learning this "tool"

Anyway, the links are below, enjoy!




"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten
programmers and deluge the hobby market with good software"
Bill Gates, in "An OpenLetter to Hobbyists" dated February 3, 1976

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