[geeks] Cell Phone Lovin

Kurt Mosiejczuk kurt at csh.rit.edu
Sat Jun 21 00:08:16 CDT 2003

On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Bryan Fullerton wrote:

> My boss liked his Kyocera 7135 so much that he bought one for me to
> use. It's not bad, though it's much less rugged than I've come to
> expect with a phone.

Oooohh... I love my 6035, but I wish I had a 7135...

The one thing I don't like on the 6035 is the graffiti area is
rather scratchable...  That can be fixed with a WriteRight, but
the screen contrast goes to hell, so I don't like using them...

I'd love a smaller, color version =)


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