[geeks] Alarms, or why I hate computers

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Tue Jun 24 00:17:38 CDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 24, 2003, at 12:15 AM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

> ~/bin/wakeup.sh:
>    #!/bin/ksh
>    if ["$2" = ""]; then
>      echo "Usage: wakeup.sh hours minutes"
>      exit
>    fi
>    sleep $(((3600*$1)+(60*$2)))
>    wakeup.sh
> On the powerbook, wakeup.sh tells iTunes to start playing my main
> playlist starting at a random song, but on the other machines, it just
> beeps.  Actually, no, on the Indy, I have it playing MP3s via amp.

This is going to show my OS X newbieness but how are you getting itunes 
to play from a script?

Mike Hebel

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