[geeks] was Re: [rescue] Re: right to die ...

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Fri Jun 27 13:09:57 CDT 2003

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 01:55:00PM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:

> The fact is that they make no allowances for people who sit next to 
> their spouse and take a total of 2 seats...It's at least good they 
> offer you a refund if the flight isn't full.  (Yes we have been 
> affected by this)...

How well sized is your spouse then?  I seem to recall seeing a picture
when I met you and not thinking that she particularly stuck out, despite
your voiced preference in women.  You certainly wouldn't be the one who
would get charged as two people.
<snip horror story of skinny rude foreigners>

> on point 1... most people who are larger take between 1.1 and 1.3 
> seats... not 2.  1.3 is pushing the comfort zone... 1.1 is totally 
> acceptable since the chances of two very large people in adjacent seats 
> is decreased statistically... all they have to do is a quick seat 
> shuffle and put a skinny person next to the large person.
> But I am tolerant... many people in the world are just grumpy and 
> intolerant

You may remeber me as a fairly big guy.  A recent flight to LA, I was
seated next to two people who were just as wide as me (one was a hair
shorter, and the other one was a lot shorted).  We all managed to get
through the flight intact, and nobody acted like it was a real
punishment.  And if your spouse is bigger than me, well, then she
definately is a large women.

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