[geeks] was Re: [rescue] Re: right to die ...

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Jun 27 13:19:11 CDT 2003

On Friday, June 27, 2003, at 02:09 PM, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:

> You may remeber me as a fairly big guy.  A recent flight to LA, I was
> seated next to two people who were just as wide as me (one was a hair
> shorter, and the other one was a lot shorted).  We all managed to get
> through the flight intact, and nobody acted like it was a real
> punishment.  And if your spouse is bigger than me, well, then she
> definately is a large women.
You are very tall... like the guy crammed into the Beetle who gives 
Nelson a hard time in the Simpsons... by driving his Beetle down the 
street and making him parade with his pants down or something after 
Nelson "hah hah's at him"

My sig O is large... but she isn't multiple people :-P....

I know ... we all love your spelling typos Josh... speaking of steal 
cases.... earlier...

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