[geeks] was Re: [rescue] Re: right to die ...

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Fri Jun 27 14:56:31 CDT 2003

On Friday, June 27, 2003, at 01:44  PM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

> I actually agree with Southwest.  If your ass is too big to fit in one
> seat, and you're going to climb over into the seat next to you, then 
> one
> of two things is going to happen:

While I agree with you on this partially, I also disagree. If the 
airlines provided something more than microseats, unless you're willing 
to pay like 3x the 'normal' fare (in order to fly in first class) I 
would fully agree with you. When I bought my truck off ebay it was 
located in NJ, and I was in WV at the time, so I took a Greyhound bus 
to NJ, and while the seats were no where as wide as first class 
airplane seats are, but they were quite a bit wider than airline coach 
seats, and the trip was fairly enjoyable because of this.

The airlines need to start treating ALL their customers as if they were 
people. I'd say if they took out the first class section, and had one 
larger section that had larger (than coach) seats in it, they could 
make money. Also, since when does increased security mean you have to 
treat all the passengers as if they are criminals?

The last time I checked, when a business isn't doing as well as it 
should, they try and entice customers to use their service, by making 
their offerings more inviting. This crap of 'we need the Gov. to bail 
us out while we treat our passengers like crap' stuff just don't cut it 
as far as I'm concerned, which is why I will only fly when absolutely 

Having said all this, of course if the person is as wide as they are 
tall, they should have to buy 2 seats.

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