[geeks] CAD and wireframes Was:This would make a good workstation

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Mar 5 04:15:11 CST 2003

On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 12:31 AM, Dave Kimmel wrote:

> A quick look at www.corel.com tells me that CorelTRACE is included in 
> the
> CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.  This is only a bullet point on the "in the 
> box"
> list though, so who knows if this has seen much updating since version 
> 4.

Well, back then I was using I believe it was Corel3 but I could be 
remembering wrong, but the output was no where near usable. These 
drawings have some tolerences down to .0001 with the overall dimension 
not being very large, and they would get lost in Corels translation of 
the bitmapped file :(

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