[geeks] NFS and umask values

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sun Mar 9 15:39:58 CST 2003

Does NFS honor umask values for a -mapall=nfsuser:users in /etc/exports?

The problem is I have an NFS mount that is permanently mapped on an OS 
X machine from a FreeBSD server.  I want this one map to have 
permissions 7777 or else Finder operations don't work right.  If I open 
iTunes and set or change a tag, the permissions on what has changed 
revert to rwxr-xr-x from rwsrwsrwt.  This means no further changes are 
allowed in iTunes to the same file unless a chmod is re-executed.  I 
thought setting the sticky bit would fix this...apparently not.  I'd 
like all edits and changes to not modify the permissions or at least 
set them the same as they were before... any ideas?

the mounts are like this:

/hv1 -mapall=nfsuser:users -alldirs     -network -mask

Where Music is a subdirectory of the mount which is a sub-mount of the 
above... i.e. /hv1/nfs/osx -hence alldirs.


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