[geeks] Recommendations/Availability

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 16 14:07:37 CST 2003

--- Andrew Weiss <ajwdsp at cloud9.net> wrote:
> I'm looking to upgrade my girlfriend's computer since something got
> in the way of my previous plans...

Dood, get her a Dell.

Check out www.hot-deals.org, www.spoofee.com, and www.techbargains.com
and wait for the low ball deals that appear every week or so...

Low-end servers go for $250 after rebate, inc. no O/S, and typically
include free shipping and 1 yr. warranty.

Or, keep an eye out for a low-cost desktop system - they run a bit more
than that, but have much nicer components ;^)

A very nice box can be gotten for under $400 from Dell without trying
too hard (after rebate)...

It's cheaper than an engagement ring, and if it breaks in the first
year, the Dell Dood's come and fix it (not you)!

Just a thought, I really like my Dells (Dimension 4500 desktop,
PowerEdge 1600SC (2.0 GHz Xeon server, 146 Gig U320 HD, 512 Meg RAM and
no O/S for $850), and Inspiron 8100 laptop (PIII 1 GHz, 15.1" UXGA <
$1K) - all my PC buying friends are happy with their Dells too.


"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten
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