[geeks] Whoo hoo... now this is a nice Linux

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Thu Mar 20 22:19:57 CST 2003

"Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:

> Seriously, though.  As much as I worded the question like a weary
> antisocial asshole who's spent all day dealing with lusers and hasn't
> had supper yet[0], it's an honest question.

I hear you.  Personally, I find all "my distro is c00l!" statements very
suspect.  I like Slackware because I do.  I also like SuSE just because.
 However, I'll never say it's a great version of linux - because I
really don't know why I like it.

Kurt                 "Who am I kidding?  Cake is just a delivery
kurt at k-huhn.com        mechanism for icing." 
                                              -- Alton Brown 

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