[geeks] Whoo hoo... now this is a nice Linux

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Fri Mar 21 11:23:56 CST 2003

"Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> writes:

> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Caleb Shay wrote:
> > And going back to the beginning of this thread (cheering for Gentoo
> > Linux),
> I played with it briefly.  I fail to see why people are getting so happy
> over a distribution that's in such a larval state that it doesn't even
> have an installer.
> Is this some new sort of Linux-zealot dicksize war?

maybe it has something to do with choices, and a fairly welld eveloped
and easy to use source/compiling system. 

Which version did you last use? 1.4 does have an installation method
that works reasonably well, if it's a bit lacking in the sun mandated
slow java gui install.

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