[geeks] Whoo hoo... now this is a nice Linux

Caleb Shay caleb at webninja.com
Sat Mar 22 11:38:51 CST 2003

On 2003-03-22 05:09:02 +0000 Andrew Weiss <ajwdsp at cloud9.net> wrote:

> I still think they need a keyword for installing binaries in 
> portage... i.e. a parallel tree that you can say emerge mozilla.b and 
> it will get a generic binary install instead of source.  Sometimes I 
> don't have a full week and a half to wait for everything to 
> compile.... bootstrap, kernels, gnome, binutils, xfree...

They DO have this now, for most of the major stuff 
(X,kde,gnome,mozilla), that is what is on the GRP (Gentoo Reference 
Platform) CD images.  That's what the --usepkg flag to emergeis for.


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