[geeks] Funny Anti Intel Site

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Fri May 2 20:08:56 CDT 2003

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 04:31:14AM -0500, Kevin wrote:
> http://users.aol.com/machcu/aia.html
> ...odd hosting for this type of site though.

AOL users often have the service as their only alternative.  It really
sucks though.

This site is nice, but way outdated.

Any other good non-maintream information sites like it?

I think that with a little promotion, even just grass roots, there
might be a resurgence of the good old days when you could get something
besides a PC.

I was talking with someone the other day about how when I was in high
school I could go to a local software store and see several to a dozen
different computer systems.  What's more, I could try the software
before I bought it in most cases.

Now the stores are little more than Wintel shops.

UNIX/Perl/C/Pizza____________________s h a n n o n at wido !SPAM maker.com

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