[geeks] Speaking of SGI machines...

James Braid jamesb at digipost.co.nz
Tue May 13 15:37:48 CDT 2003

Eric Gregory wrote:
> Just a weird question...  What do most of you that have SGI boxes use them
> for?  I've got a couple and for a lot of things they just seem a little
> sluggish, but the reliability factor rocks though.

Well...at work we have an Onyx 3200, 2x Onyx2 and an Octane which we run 
discreet inferno/flame/fire/backdraft on. These boxes are *not* 
sluggish...realtime HD video i/o on the Onyx 3200 :-)

Then we have our DNS servers which are a pair of R4400 Indys ;-)

We have a few O2's around the place which are handy for running X apps 
remotely and things like that. Also an Origin 200 for a fileserver.

At my last job, we had a 32 proc w/24Gb memory Origin 2000 which was 
used as a development server and for scalability testing of our product. 
We ran a few Origin 200's for database servers (oracle/informix) and 
fileservers (NFS/samba) too.

- James

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