[geeks] Health Update

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Wed Nov 12 04:25:29 CST 2003

On Nov 12, 2003, at 5:16 AM, Steven Hill wrote:

> Fuck.
> Glad to hear you're ok.

> You're scaring me with the monitor your own heart on a computer thing,

Well, I doubt it would be something that could easily be done, as the 
Docs really wouldn't want patients monitoring their own pacemakers, as 
it would take some of the mystique out of it, and take away some of 
their G-d like feelings away from them. Now if you really want to get 
scared, the networked computers that they were using for all patient 
monitoring/charting in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) are Windows based! 
And if that wasn't enough, they wouldn't even let me use the in room 
computer to browse the web when they weren't using it! (not that I 
really felt like doing that much with all the wires/hoses connected to 

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