Suzuki Samurai was Re: [geeks] SPARC proprietary (waaaay

Kevin kevin at
Wed Oct 15 11:30:26 CDT 2003

People do have to justify their position when it
comes down to county school board regulations v/s
parents who believe that their children's cell phones
are more than conveniences (as in the Broward
county school situation.)

People (two of my friends, more specifically) also
have to justify their conveniences when they complain
to me that they are doing everything they can to cut
down their monthly expenses but still keep a cell phone
because they state that they can't live without it.


On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 12:33:44 -0600 (MDT)
Dan Duncan <dand at> wrote:

> As I recall, 'Kevin' wrote:
> > I am still not sure what your point is however.  My
> > gripe is with the perception that much of the
> > public has regarding their needs vs their
> > conveniences.
> My gripe is with your desire for people to justify
> their conveniences.
> -DanD
> -- 
> #  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at 
> #  A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.
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