[geeks] Even better!

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Fri Oct 17 09:59:19 CDT 2003

> > Just added to my postfix header_checks file:
> > 
> > /CareySchug/ REJECT Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker
> > and Tits.
> > 
> > (yes, I'm in a good mood today.  Extra points if you spot the
> > reference.)
> > 
> George Carlin - Seven You Cannot Say On Television.  Unfortunately,
> we're dating ourselves (us slightly older folk) since, I think, you can
> say at least two of those (piss and tits) and I *swear* I heard "shit"
> last night on the Food Channel during that Jamie Oliver show - though it
> could have been "shite".  Funny, since it means the same thing (AFAIK).

There was an episode of South Park that made fun of this, where they had a
little counter in the corner to show how many times the word "shit" was used.

Recently the FCC found that Bono's use of the word "fucking" was not a violation
of the obscenity rules since it was not used in a sexual manner, which I thought
was pretty fucking cool of the FCC.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net

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