[geeks] APC MasterSwitch alternatives

Thomas Gallaway rescue at port11.net
Thu Aug 26 10:56:32 CDT 2004

Michael Kaegler wrote:

> I've been looking for alternatives to an APC MasterSwitch. These are 
> essentially smart power strips that can be commanded over 
> serial/ethernet to drop load to some ports, etc... intended for remote 
> reboot.
> I need (well, want...) that remote reboot capability, but at $250 on 
> fleabay (and not having seen one at the MIT flea)... the price is just 
> out there. I considered getting more UPSs, since they're actually a 
> little cheeper and can often be commanded to drop load, but they tend 
> to drop load to everything or nothing...
> Short of building one myself (it could eventually come to that, 
> despite my lack of ee), are there any alternatives?
> -mKaegler
Might sound silly but how about X10 stuff? They have 1 device that plugs 
into the serial port (firecracker) and they also have 3-pin application 

-- Thomas

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