[geeks] OSX and remote console

Nadine Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Tue Feb 3 20:13:41 CST 2004

william pointon wrote:
> if you missed it this is still on apples site -
> http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/unix_open_source/xfree86.html

Thanks for the pointer, Bill, but that link is
broken.  If you google for "XFree86Complete-4.2-10.2.sit"
it's in another place on the Aus/Mac site.  This
is what you will get if you fink install X.

This is the OS X Gnu version of XFree86, not Apple's
X software.  I am fairly certain Apple removed the
link to Apple' X software for 10.2 when 10.3 was


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