[geeks] Terminal Services security

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Feb 10 16:12:48 CST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Kevin wrote:

> No one is asking me (or our company) to do anything.

Oh, okay.  I see now.  Sorry for misunderstanding.

> The company that we use for payroll processing has a Win2K TS box
> inet facing.

I just gotta ask: why?  Do they not have all their folks onsite or

> That's is unsettling to me and i wanted other's opinions.  The TS
> box is behind an MS ISAS box, but that is tantamount to nothing as
> the port is wide open and it is not enforcing any additional security
> methods other than a name and password.

Ohhhhkay.  So rather than being entirely naked, the server's just
wearing crotchless coveralls.  Gotcha.

Jonathan Patschke  ) "Being on the Internet is not the same as being
Elgin, TX         (   famous.  That's like calling Cheetos 'dinner'."
USA                )                                    --Metal Steve

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