[geeks] WTF - Linux on a laptop...

doctor obnox son of a bitch drobnox at visi.com
Sat Feb 28 00:40:37 CST 2004

Bill Bradford spoke in riddles, like the night...

> On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 09:30:35AM -0500, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > True, but the downside of that is, at the moment Firefox 0.8 appears to
> > be very usable on Windows but not ready for prime time on Linux.  On my
> > machine at least (Athlon XP1800+ with half a gig of DDR333 RAM running a
> > Slackware-based custom install), Firefox becomes unresponsive (and the
> > mouse becomes unresponsive when in Firefox's window) for up to about 30
> > seconds when loading URLs.
> Exact opposite of that here- I'm even running through a SSH tunnel to
> tinyproxy on ohno.mrbill.net, and it's speedyfast.
> Bill (1Ghz TBird AMD, 256M, Fedora Core 1)
> -- 
> bill bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> austin, texas
> _______________________________________________
> GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

 The linux version of Firebird 0.7 works quite nicely on my
 FreeBSD 5.2 box, even with only a 266 p][.

"An official at the Moroccan Embassy could    ........Eric J. Gustafson
      not confirm the presence of             .........................
 monkeys in the coalition of the willing."    .........drobnox at visi.com

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