[geeks] How did you spend YOUR weekend?

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Jan 11 22:43:47 CST 2004

On Sun, Jan 11, 2004 at 11:24:57PM -0500, James wrote:
> I always have a personal debate about the benefits of tight wire looms
> versus loose routing of cabling. Big loom loops and cables randomly laid
> into the looms makes changes easier, especially when its time to pull
> something out. Tight/structured cabling makes changes more difficult.

Anything is better than "spaghetti mess".

> Tight: Neater, more structured, keeps newbies and users from even daring to
> MAC cabling (move/add/change).
> Loose: easier to trace, easier to MAC, allows random placement of hardware,
> easier to turn into a tangled ball if attacked by newbies/users.

I wish these were the "one side hinged" raceways - but no, these are just
the "sorta kinda flexible plastic, dont bend it too far or it will
break" raceways.  We broke two of the little "arms".

Out of ALL those cables we pulled, we only lost TWO to RJ45 prong 
bendage.  We pulled all those cables off, then added them + 80 new 
ones back for the final "after" shot.


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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