[geeks] RIP, Ronald Reagan

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Jun 8 01:05:58 CDT 2004

On Jun 7, 2004, at 8:10 PM, Nadine Miller wrote:

> Andrew Weiss wrote:
>>   The key word being that
>> this is my opinion.  I'd love to some day see the government look sort
>> of like the UFP. (it's not gonna happen... at least not within several
>> of our lifetimes)
> You mean the UFP where all dissent is repressed?  Kind of
> like the happy fun version of the Borg with a sheepskin
> covering it up so it doesn't look like the wolf it really
> is?  Or didn't you get that from the Maquis/Bejorans in
> Deep Space 9 and Star Trek: Lost in Space, er, Star Trek:
> Voyager?

No the UFP from ST TOS-VI with a little more Klingon peace.  I don't 
really follow DS9 or Voyager... I consider them somewhat Trek poseur.  
TNG is OK... but starts to lean in that direction as well.

IF there weren't so many temporal story-lines in Enterprise... I'd 
enjoy it a lot.

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