[geeks] Web file storage

Caleb Shay caleb at webninja.com
Fri Jun 18 09:57:45 CDT 2004

Bill Bradford wrote:
> I've got a need to let people upload and download files, and only 
> *their* files, through a web interface.  Assume that these people have
> no knowledge of FTP, and this needs to be entirely web-based.
> Suggestions for software?
> Bill



You could just set up something along the lines of


which maps to

username.domain.tld (or www.domain.tld/dav/username, or whatever)

and use standard .htaccess to control access.

All files/folders end up being owned by the apache process, but htaccess 
controls who can see what.  If you need better security combine it with 
mod_ssl.  I also recommend using mod_auth_digest for authentication (and 
the OSX dav client defaults to trying to use digest auth anyway).


Downloading can always be done via a web browser, even lynx, since it's 
still HTTP.  Browsing to http://username.domain.tld/ will give you a 
standard directory/file listing after authentication.  Clicky clicky.



IE Windows calls it Web Folders.  They can either set up a new 
webfolders connection from Network Places, or they can browse to 
http://username.domain.tld, enter login/password and then click 
File->View as web folders.

Mac OSX:

Connect to server (or Command-K) -> http://username.domain.tld
Shows up as a drive on the desktop





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