[geeks] Rudy's / Albuquerque

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Mar 16 14:42:27 CST 2004

On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Dan Sikorski wrote:

> On thursday night, I will be in Alburquerque, NM.  Because i've always
> heard such good things about Rudy's on the sunhelp lists and i know that
> there's one in Albuquerque, i plan to eat there.  What do y'all suggest?

I really like the turkey.  They slice it thick, and it's very rarely
dry.  It's also handsomely peppered when you get it, as opposed to
totally naked.

>   I'm rather partial to some good brisket, so that will probably top the
> priority list unless i'm told otherwise.

The brisket is good, but I'm just not a brisket fan.

Jonathan Patschke  ) "Being on the Internet is not the same as being
Elgin, TX         (   famous.  That's like calling Cheetos 'dinner'."
USA                )                                    --Metal Steve

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