[geeks] Found it - WiFi Public Hot Spot...

Bertrand HUTIN bhutin at yahoo.fr
Thu Mar 25 09:50:31 CST 2004

 --- Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net> a icrit : > Hello all,
> I came across the .iso for a bootable "live CD" that turns a PC into
> a public
> WiFI Hot Spot. It goes between your cable/DSL router and your
> wireless APs,
> and controls access to internet.
> See http://www.publicip.net/
> The hardware requirements are a fairly modern PC, 128 Meg, bootable
> CD, 2 NICs
> and a cable router (not wireless) and at least one Wireless
> AP/router.
> The idea is this would put a barrier between WiFi and the Internet,
> and form
> some kind of protective barrier between your WiFi connections and
> your
> internal network.
> I've not tried it, but I very much like the idea...
> Lionel
> lionel 4287 at verizon net
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another interesting concept: the Bedouin portable Wifi hot Spot
It is a portable site, including a computer (Mac Powerbook) and a Wifi
hot spot, all packaged in a rucksack.


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