[geeks] need a utility to log an shell session's commands

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon May 3 16:47:49 CDT 2004

> From: Nadine Miller <vraptor at promessage.com>
> Date: 2004/05/03 Mon PM 07:06:14 GMT
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: [geeks] need a utility to log an shell session's commands
> I'm sure one of you guys can come up with something off the top 
> of your heads, but for the life of me I can't recall what we used 
> to do this at $job-3.
> It's basically a process that you start at a shell prompt that 
> records all the stuff you do into a log file.  You can then use 
> as the basis for writing up documentation, or, possibly as a 
> basis for automating it.
> I want to say the name of it was 'script' but that's so generic 
> that trying to find the right thing via google or freshmeat is 
> pretty useless.
> I know bash can do something a little like this, but I need a 
> tool that will catch the entire session, even across 'su-ing' to 
> various users (I have to install a complex piece of software 
> tomorrow, and I want to have a record of it).

I think it is script... I used it when I tested HP software installs a few jobs ago (creates a big text file, things like VI sessions get goofy fast though ;&)...

"tee" is also useful in some circumstances, but script is probably the right tool for the job.


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