[geeks] MySQL question

Phil Stracchino alaric at caerllewys.net
Mon May 24 21:58:59 CDT 2004

On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 09:48:16PM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Thu, May 20, 2004 at 09:37:56AM -0400, Caleb Shay wrote:
> > My standard line for backing up my mysql servers is:
> > mysqldump -AacCe --allow-keywords --add-drop-table
> What's your standard command for *restoring* from this single huge file?

mysql < file

If you want to restore individual databases, of course, it's probably
easier to create individual dumps.  But I figure about the only reason
I'm likely to need to restore entire databases is if I've had a disaster
and lost the entire system, in which case I'm going to want to restore
everything anyway.

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 : phil stracchino : unix ronin : renaissance man : mystic zen biker geek :
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