[geeks] Re: It's official, the U.S. is screwed for 4 more years

Michael-John Turner mj at turner.org.za
Thu Nov 4 06:19:59 CST 2004

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 12:07:59PM -0500, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> Hmm, the same people that think Bush is going to screw over the
> country supported the events that are responsible for the current
> situations in :
> South Africa (regressing to tribalism)
> Course, all THOSE places are in the toilet... 

Hmm... Can't comment on any of the other countries, but I don't
consider South Africa to be "in the toilet" or regressing to
trbalism. Of course it has issues (crime, etc), but so does
every country (and I'm pretty happy to be living here).

Just my 2c...

Michael-John Turner      | http://mj.turner.org.za/
mj at debian.org            | Open Source in WC ZA - http://www.clug.org.za/
mj at phantom.eri.uct.ac.za | GPG/PGP key via mail, WWW or finger @phantom

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