[geeks] Re: [rescue] It's official, the U.S. is screwed for 4 more years

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sat Nov 6 09:49:04 CST 2004

Fri, 05 Nov 2004 @ 01:12 +0000, wa2egp at att.net said:

> I find it amazing that people agree to a system and when it doesn't
> go their way, they want to bail.  


Also, notice how we trade presidential cabinets like trading cards, and
leave the real problems mostly alone.

> Too bad the people forget that politicians work for the people, not
> the other way around.  Then they let the politicians get away with all
> kinds of crap and complain about it later.


Direct democracy doesn't work because people vote on whim and chaos
results.  It scares the hell out of me that so many people are starting
to push continuous, direct democracy.  

That's why we have a representative republic (I wish more of our leaders
knew that).

Of course, it doesn't work either if you don't participate.  I don't
just mean writing letters to representatives either.  We need more
people from outside the legal profession to run for office.

> It really doesn't matter who gets in,taxes will still increase, we'll
> still be involved in the "Middle East"and government officials will
> still try to erode the Constitution.

I find it amazing that people believe that Kerry was going to somehow
save us.  It isn't even possible, even if Kerry meant even half of what
he says.

I didn't like Bill Clinton, but even there the sheeple constantly blamed
him for things which were not even in his power to influence, let alone
control.  Likewise they gave him credit for things he didn't do either.

Why do people have so much venom for the office of President, while
ignoring (for the most part) the actions of Congress, and also keep
electing those same bastards over and over?

It just boggles the mind.

Anyway, I remember now why I'm a computer geek: for the most part the
machine is a world I control and it's logical rather tham political.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["People should have access to the data which
you have about them.  There should be a process for them to challenge any
inaccuracies." -- Arthur Miller]

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