[geeks] Powerbook LCD replacement; Windows Media suckage

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Nov 9 01:42:17 CST 2004

On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Joshua Boyd wrote:

> What do you expect?  MS won't license the stuff to just any free
> software freek.

And a clean-room implementation is a felony in this country.  Heaven
forbid you should be allowed to process the bytes on YOUR data
processing equipment in a way that YOU find reasonable.

Jonathan Patschke ) "I've built my whole system with [-fomit-frame-pointer]
Elgin, TX        (   cause it was recomended...as I don't care if a program
USA               )  crashes, not interested in finding out why."
                  (                     --Tim, Another Satisfied Gentoo User

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