[geeks] christianity and judaism

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at mail.zill.net
Wed Nov 10 14:01:26 CST 2004

On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 01:06:02PM -0500, sammy ominsky wrote:
> On Nov 10, 2004, at 10:24, Michael Horton wrote:
> >less conversant with this aspect but i know that what you have said is
> >not believed by all jews today.)
> Modern Jews who do not believe in an afterlife are not philosophical 
> descendants of the Saducees of old, but instead follow the deluded 
> ideas of "Enlightened" European Jews who decided that the Bible was not 
> of Divine origin.  They somehow believe that one can identify oneself 
> as a religious person and not have to involve a god.  I don't 
> understand it, and have never heard a rational resolution to the 
> inherent conflict.

What happened to the Essenes, btw?
> The concept of "hell" in judaism is a place for essentially good people 
> to be cleansed of their sins before enjoying the reward for their good 
> deeds.  There is no eternal torment as hoped for by Christians.  It's 
> more like a laundry cycle.

For Arafat, it sounds like he will be run through a commercial
degreaser setup, then a huge steam cleaner several times before being
beaten out like a rug, THEN put on extended spin cycle, non-gentle :-)

"At the death of the wicked, there is joyful song."

Sorry for thread-jacking.


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