[geeks] retro magazine fun (SysAdmin)

Nathan Raymond nate at portents.com
Wed Nov 17 08:43:00 CST 2004

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

> Apple never achieved that with the Apple II, probably because all the good
> applications (DBASE, VisiCalc, WordStar) all ran on CP/M which required
> a coprocessor card which was never 100% integrated.

While WordStar and dBASE were both originally written for CP/M, VisiCalc 
was not.  VisiCalc was a native Apple II program, and could perhaps be 
termed the first 'killer app'.

My perception of why the Apple II didn't achieve the market penetration 
IBM did was because IBM had an established business sales force and brand. 
Apple was both too hip and too lacking in corporate marketing 
infrastructure to break big into business.

Nathan Raymond

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