[geeks] retro magazine fun (SysAdmin)

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Wed Nov 17 13:45:28 CST 2004

On Nov 17, 2004, at 2:05 PM, Dan Duncan wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
>> Apple never achieved that with the Apple II, probably because all the 
>> good
>> applications (DBASE, VisiCalc, WordStar) all ran on CP/M which 
>> required
>> a coprocessor card which was never 100% integrated.
> Visicalc was written specifically FOR the Apple ][.  I know, I had it.
> (Probably still do, somewhere...)

Yes, it was one of the first "killer apps" for the Apple ][, and one of 
the major reasons why we decided on one for our family's first 

Kurt Huhn
kurt at k-huhn.com

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