[geeks] [technoshaman at liawol.org: Re: 1U x86 boxen?]

Phil Stracchino alaric at caerllewys.net
Tue Oct 12 16:42:02 CDT 2004

Here's what my contact at Pogo had to say on their 1U boxen....   should
run Solaris x86 as happily as Linux.

----- Forwarded message from Glenn Stone <technoshaman at liawol.org> -----

From: Glenn Stone <technoshaman at liawol.org>
To: Phil Stracchino <alaric at caerllewys.net>
Subject: Re: 1U x86 boxen?
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 14:11:36 -0700
X-Original-To: alaric at caerllewys.net
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

It's right on $1000... WebWare 1180 is a short 1U, P4 2.8GhZ
(HyperThreaded), 256gb RAM, 80GB SATA, CD, dual gigabit NIC's,LCD front
panel which can run either the proprietary little controller program that
comes with, or works with the MSI driver in lcdproc... $999 plus shipping.
It's high-end for low-end, but it's a damn nice box... almost completely
toolless; the heat sink and the PCI slot are the only things that take
screws, the rest are thumbscrews or otherwise screw-less.  3-year
return-to-depot warranty.

I really like'em.  They're tiny, they're easy to work on, and we've sold a
metric buttload of'em.  They've got two downsides:  No floppy, and they're a
little noisy for being a P4.  *shrug*  Most good rescue facilities are on CD
these days, and if you're in a data center, it can sound like an F100 and
nobody cares.  

888-828-POGO if he's interested; I've already said my pitch. :)  Or

Glenn R. Stone, technoshaman at liawol.org          |   .~.   Geek by Nature 
RHCE, Technomage, Linux and other Mysteries      |  / V \  -------------- 
There ARE no dress rehearsals.  We ARE           | /(   )\ Linux by Choice
professionals, and this IS the Big Time.         |  ^^-^^                  

----- End forwarded message -----

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