[geeks] just to stir things up, a few predictions

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at plexus.com
Mon Oct 25 09:18:08 CDT 2004

On Oct 23, 2004, at 1:00 PM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, Michael Horton wrote:
>> i beg to differ: john "war criminal" kerry and john "malpractice"
>> edwards will do far worse damage than george bush.
> Three words:  Free speech zones.
> That is the single, solitary, and ONLY reason this previously lifelong
> Republican voted for John "waffle house" Kerry.  I WILL NOT reward
> someone for pissing on The Constitution when he is sworn to uphold and
> defend it.

I've only been to one Bush event, and no other campaign speeches.  The 
local GOP chair called up and offered tickets and .. if the circus is 
in town and you've got tickets, why not go?

I was not asked to sign anything to gain attendance.  I was wearing my 
'work' clothes, and thus nicely dressed.  The PAC (where Bush spoke) 
was on one side of the street, the protesters on the other.  After the 
speech was over, I noted that the protesters had been moved so they 
were kitty-corner to the PAC - however the motorcade drove directly by 
them as he left.

In short, I did not see anything that has been described at other 
events - the protesters were not  miles away and off the motorcade 
route, no loyalty oaths etc.  This was in Appleton, Wisconsin so YMMV.


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