[geeks] [rescue] Just for grins ...

Phil Stracchino alaric at caerllewys.net
Fri Sep 3 00:30:15 CDT 2004

...anyone have any old dead Seagate ST11200N disks lying around?  (Or
anything else with the same physical mechanism.)

  ========== Fight Back!  It may not be just YOUR life at risk. ==========
  alaric at caerllewys.net : phil-stracchino at earthlink.net : phil at novylen.net
   phil stracchino : unix ronin : renaissance man : mystic zen biker geek
     2000 CBR929RR, 1991 VFR750F3 (foully murdered), 1986 VF500F (sold)
           Linux Now!  ...Friends don't let friends use Microsoft.
rescue list - http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue

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