[geeks] free .info domain registrations

Benjamin Gardiner cvisors at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 19:49:06 CDT 2004

Thanks for the heads up on this one Bill, I didn't know registrars
were offering this yet...

(I know the reg I work for isn't yet, but may be doing so)

But on things like this we move slowly.


On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 03:41:27 -0500, Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
> A few of the third-party registrars are giving out 25 free .info
> domain registrations (1-year) to new customers.
> domainsite.com (no CC required)
> namesecure.com (CC required, but they only put a 1cent charge on it to verify
>                 that its valid)
> I've registered about 30 domains so far tonight using a combination of the
> two registrars.  domainsite is getting hammered, but namesecure's
> servers seem a little better.
> Bill
> --
> bill bradford
> austin texas
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two you bait the line
three you slowly spread the net
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