[geeks] Carly Fiorina to enter politics? This nation is doomed...

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Sep 14 20:07:08 CDT 2004

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

>>> As originally detailed, NT should have been OK.
>> Hell, 3.x was wonderful.  Everything went to hell in 4.0.
> 3.x still had graphics integrated, which is where I think it went to
> hell.

No, they didn't.  3.x's video drivers still ran in a separate VM, and
the GDI was inside the Win32 subsystem.  4.X brought video drivers into
kernel space, and brought the GDI (along with most of the Win32
subsystem) into the kernel as well.

Jonathan Patschke )
Elgin, TX        (  "Ma'am, I can do anything.  I own a game store."
USA               )             --Gord ( http://www.actsofgord.com )

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