[geeks] 2 solaris 10 questions

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Fri Sep 24 22:49:06 CDT 2004

On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 11:07:07AM +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> I just installed Solaris 10 on an Ultra 5, and have two questions.
> 1. For Solaris 8 and 9 Sun had(has) a downloadable CD image of GNU tools, etc.
>    Is there one for Solaris 10? I know about other software sites, but the 
>     chance to get it all at once is very appealing. If not, will the Solaris
>     9 versions work ok? So far the Sol9 stuff I have tried worked.

There is a Solaris 10 version of the Companion CD, it just isn't being
publically released as a part of Solaris Express and/or the beta program.
It will be there in the release.
More and more open source projects are being integrated into the base
Solaris (look in /usr/sfw)

> 2. I installed an IDE CD burner in it. Is there software to burn CDs from
>    Solaris using IDE burners? The machine does not have a scsi interface.

It should "just work". Use "man cdrw".


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