[geeks] Dynamic DNS linux update client

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Mon Feb 28 13:13:33 CST 2005

Matthew Poertner wrote:
> Anyone here use the Dynamic DNS service through dyndns.org and update
> the IP address with a linux client?
> I just set up a video surveillance machine at my moms house.  It's
> running on a Linux machine.  She has DSL with a dymanic IP and the
> linux box is behind a firewall.  I'd like to be able to hop on that
> machine every once in a while to clear out the false alarms.
> Anyone have a similar setup?  Any ideas on how to keep the IP address
> updated automatically from the Linux box?

Simple.  ddclient.  It Just Works.

You can run it in various ways, including a daemon where it just watches 
the external interface and automatically sends an update any time the IP 

  Phil Stracchino
  Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
  phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
  phil.stracchino at ceva-dsp.com
  Mobile: 408-592-8081

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